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Are you concerned about the risks of secondhand marijuana smoke? Whether you are wondering if it is safe to smoke around others or to be in the same room as another smoker, understanding the effects of secondhand marijuana smoke can help you make responsible choices.

Currently, secondhand marijuana smoke studies are few and far between. More research is necessary to determine the exact effects of this substance.

What Is Secondhand Marijuana Smoke?

Secondhand marijuana smoke is what enters the air when a person smokes a joint. It includes a combination of the smoke the user exhales and the smoke let off by the burning cannabis products.

Typically, people use this term to refer to smoke they do not mean to breathe in.

Can Secondhand Marijuana Smoke Cause a Contact High?

One of the biggest questions surrounding secondhand marijuana smoke is whether it can produce a “contact high” or cause psychoactive effects in bystanders. While “hot boxing,” or smoking marijuana in a tight, unventilated space, can produce an intense “high” feeling, this requires extensive smoke to be present for an extended time.

Research for some secondhand smoke studies found that being in a well-ventilated room with smokers for three hours produced very low THC levels. In contrast, individuals who spent an hour in an unventilated space experienced much steeper levels of THC exposure. These levels were high enough to produce impaired cognitive function and fail a drug test.

Potential Side Effects of Secondhand Marijuana Smoke

Some people may experience uncomfortable side effects from secondhand marijuana smoke, but this often depends on the age and health of the exposed individual. More vulnerable populations may experience more significant side effects; always be wary of who you are smoking around.

The particulates in secondhand marijuana smoke include a few different components, such as:

  • Ammonia
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Nickel
  • Chromium
  • Hydrogen cyanide
  • Cadmium

If anyone around you is sensitive to these substances, they may have a stronger reaction to secondhand smoke.

Potential side effects of secondhand marijuana smoke are similar to the side effects of smoking in general, which include:

  • Itching, burning eyes
  • Coughing
  • Dry mouth
  • Headache
  • Anxiety or paranoia
  • Fatigue
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Nausea
  • Euphoria
  • Restlessness

Those with asthma or lung conditions have higher respiratory health risks and may experience stronger side effects from secondhand smoke.

Preventing Negative Effects From Secondhand Smoke

If you want to minimize the potential effects of secondhand smoke on the people around you, try these tips:

  • Smoke in a well-ventilated area. If you are smoking indoors, open windows and turn on fans.
  • Ask the people around you if they are okay with you smoking. If not, move to another area.
  • Choose other forms of cannabis use when around people. You can use cannabis in numerous products that don’t produce any secondhand smoke.
  • Remember that secondhand smoke can linger in the air. Secondhand marijuana smoke may continue impacting indoor air quality for up to two hours after smoking. Think about who will be entering the room over the next few hours before you begin smoking.

Choose Cannabis Products Responsibly

Part of being a responsible cannabis user is choosing products that are safe for those around you. While further research is necessary to determine the risks and severity of secondhand marijuana smoke, you should always be mindful of the people you are smoking near. Moving to an isolated area or switching to another form of cannabis can help you foster a positive reputation for recreational marijuana users.

Are you looking for cannabis products in Ontario, Oregon? Stop by our Cannabis & Glass dispensary today to browse our selection of high-quality recreational marijuana products.